
Friday, September 28, 2012

Touch holds on the feet as well help ground him and relax his body, which is pretty obvious. Private Class 9-27-12

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Private in home Infant Massage Class. 9-27-12 This little guy is a preemie, so touch holds work best to calm his nervous system and relax him.

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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Surprising Benefits of Infant Massage

"Being a new parent can be tough with new sleeping arrangements, a demanding feeding schedule, and the constant hustle and bustle that an infant brings to the home.  Yet being a newborn is no walk in the park either.  Your baby has lost his familiar cozy quarters, the food is different and requires effort to obtain, and everything is,  The result of this new living arrangement can be stress for both babies and parents.  The good news is that infant massage is a great tool for managing this stress.

Research shows the benefits of infant massage, nurturing babies' psychological, physiological and developmental growth.  Propoents of infant massage claim that it fosters healthy self-esteem and increases bonding between parents and their babies.  You know how much you love your baby, but in all of the frantic newness and exhaustion it sometimes seems that there is little time to slow down and show your baby you love him.  Massage can validate those feeling of love and affection for babies and parents."

By Lisa Fratt
Sept. 15, 2012

Private in home class 9-26-12. Dad showing the leg squeeze while walking around. Well done!

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Friday, September 21, 2012

Bonding and Infant Massage

"Bonding has been defined as a "unique relationship between two people that is specific and endures through time".

Touch is a very powerful element in human bonding, as are communication, both verbal and non-verbal, and prolonged eye contact.  Infant Massage encompasses and supports all these vital aspects of bonding.  Delayed bonding may occur due to situations such as premature birth, recovery from caesarean, medical complications, adoption, lack of physical and emotional support and post natal depression.  In these cases Infant Massage can begin to recreate the elements of bonding.

Fathers can especially benefit from Infant Massage.  It gives them time to connect and interact with their child on a deeper level than day to day contact provides.  Fathers/Partners are always welcome in Infant Massage classes.

Infant Massage is also beneficial to special needs children and older children and facilitates deeper understanding, integration and connection with their parents and caregivers."

International Association of Infant Massage
August 12, 2005

Grandma gets some foot massage and bonding time with granddaughter. 9-19-12

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"Bottom Circles" 9-19-12

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"Gliding stroke" on the bottom of the foot. 9-19-12

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Matching babes doing some tummy massage. 9-19-12

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"The Bicycle" 9-19-12

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Pregnancy Wellness Center of Parker Class 9-19-12

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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Infant Massage Testimonial

"Nathan really enjoys his massages.  The first day I did them for him, he fell asleep instantly when I got done on 2 different occasions.  Now he usually gets very smiley when we do a massage.  The oil you gave us in class smells great!"

Thank You,

Giggling Green Bean Class
Baby Bodywork's Infant Massage, Birth to Crawlers Class