
Thursday, October 25, 2012

Cousins all together. Middle guy is 4 months and twin boys are 4 weeks. 10-23-12

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A little face massage and she is obviously loving it! 10-23-12

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"Love Squeeze" on the toes can be done with or without toes covered 10-23-12

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Cutie girl enjoying some "Swedish Milking" on the leg 10-23-12

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"Sacrum Circles" while sitting in mommas lap 10-23-12

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She was talking a lot during this sequence and cheering it looks like. In the background the other twin is awake and having his turn 10-23-12

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He seems to be enjoying the Sun Moon as well. 10-23-12

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"Sun Moon Stroke" on the twin who is awake. 10-23-12

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Belly Bliss Class 10-23-12. These little ones are cousins, 3 boys all about the same age!

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"Butterfly Stroke" on the chest is helpful for reflux. Belly Bliss Class 10-23-12

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Friday, October 19, 2012

Infant Massage in the NICU

"Premature Massage in the NICU: Expanding research in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) has documented the short-term advantages of gentle touch and massage for healthy term infants and for some growing and medically stable pre-term newborns.  Parents of preemies gain confidence and greater security in their handling skills through healing loving touch.

Significant Evidence-Based Research Findings of Infant Massage:
-Supports parent-infant interaction
-Facilitates weight gain in preterm infants
-Lowers levels of cortisol, the stress hormone
-Increases muscle tone
-Improves sleep and awake patterns
-Shortens lengths of stay in hospitals
-Improves cognitive and motor development at eight months of age
-Infant Massage is an inexpensive tool
-Can be used as part of the developmental care plan of preterm infants
-Recent research shows there are significant benefits to infant massage that out weigh over-stimulation
-Properly applied techniques produce increased benefits, such as improved developmental scores and earlier discharge."

The Touch Research Insitute in Miami, Florida has been the leader in examining the benefits of Infant Massage with the premature infants to the well baby.


Swedish Milking Touch Holds on the other leg 10-16-12

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Massage can be done just as easily with clothes on 10-16-12

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So many different positions to do massage in. 10-16-12

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Gliding up the shin. This is a new stroke that this mom made up. If baby seems to enjoy it, go for it! 10-16-12

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Hello cutie! Mom is massaging feet in this position, maybe that's the reason for the content expression. 10-16-12

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Walking on the bottoms of the feet with socks on 10-16-12

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Exempla Good Samaritan Infant Massage Class 10-16-12

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Thursday, October 4, 2012

Dad is massaging the feet while mom nurses. What great teamwork! 9-29-12

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Belly Bliss Class, Birth to Crawlers. 9-29-12

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Hello little girl. Dad is doing a great job massaging your legs! 9-29-12

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Can you tell what Dad is up to? 9-29-12

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Massage on a sleeping baby is a no no. So, wait until they are awake and in the meantime practice on a doll. 9-29-12

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"The Love Squeeze" on the toes, in mommas lap. Get creative as to how you hold your baby when doing massage. It works in all different positions! 9-29-12

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The other side of the room. Belly Bliss Class 9-29-12

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Belly Bliss Birth to Crawlers Class 9-29-12

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Dad tries "Indian Milking" on the leg. Make sure you have oil or lotion on your hands when doing any gliding strokes. Never want the skin drag. 9-29-12

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"Waterfall Stroke" while over crossed legs. This little guy is 4 weeks old. Massage can start early depending on the baby. Belly Bliss Class 9-29-12

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Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Massage Aids Brain Growth in Preemies

"Massage may help boost brain growth - particularly visual development - in premature babies, says a study in this week's Journal of Neuroscience.  Italian researchers tested 20 healthy infants born at 30 to 33 weeks (babies are considered full-term at 40 weeks of pregnancy).   Beginning at 10 days old, half the babies received 60-minute massages twice a day for 10 days from an expert.  The authors say this is the first time massage on premature newborns has been linked to brain development.  The study also identifies a hormone that may be responsible for massage benefits on the visual system.' - Mary Brophy Marcus

USA Today
May 2010

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Circles on either side of the spine, while tasting the dolls fingers! 9-28-12

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Hand massage. 9-28-12

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The "Pit Stop Stroke". Every time mom did this stroke he would giggle! Too cute. 9-28-12

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And he takes a moment to relax those back muscles. 9-28-12

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"Waterfall Stroke" on the flying, superman baby! 9-28-12

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Foot massage sitting up. 9-28-12

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He has found his hands! Wonder what he thinks of the foot massage? Private class 9-28-12

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Mom and little man chillin and listening to the benefits of Infant Massage. 9-28-12

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