
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Coastal Carolina Chiropractic's first newsletter!
Link to Coastal Carolina Chiropractic's December Newsletter!

Friday, November 29, 2013

From One Woman to Another

In my free time, when I am not teaching Infant Massage Classes, I offer massage for adults.  My specialty is pre-natal and post-partum but my training includes men and women who are not pregnant or looking to be pregnant any time soon.

This past week I had a new client come in for a massage.  During the intake portion I learned two things about her.
1. She is a professional athlete and has extreme muscle soreness/tightness.
2. She had a miscarriage last week and is still feeling a bit off.

I have experienced a miscarriage as well and not the DNC, where you feel almost nothing and then it's over.  I experienced the cramping, bleeding, trying to get comfortable, pacing the floor in pain, miscarriage.

This woman, who I have never met before, we had a moment of understanding together.  I shared with her that I too had experienced a miscarriage. I am sorry for her loss and know what she is going through.  She told me how when it was happening, she felt okay but now that some time has passed, she feels up and down a lot.  I interjected I felt the same way and that I called it Mr. Toads Wild Ride. My hormones were all over the place and sometimes I didn't know if I wanted to laugh, cry or scream.  With time this passed and my body balanced itself out again.  I told her this would happen for her as well.  Also, to allow yourself to grieve, feel whatever you feel and don't feel sorry for it.  Your body will rebalance itself and you will move on.  This is only happening right now, not forever.  Miscarriages happen a lot more often than people think.  There is nothing to be ashamed of, or feel bad about.  These things happen. It is what it is.

During the 3 minutes that we stood in the massage room having this conversation, I felt a sisterhood with this complete stranger.  This is one of the many reasons why I love what I do.  People helping people, women supporting each other.  This is what life is all about, right?  Helping each other through the highs and lows life has to offer.

We proceeded to have a wonderful massage and let go of some of her tension.  Afterwards she thanked me for listening and understanding.  I felt so good at having given her that time and a safe space to let go.  This is why I do what I do.  Feel the Love!

Valerie DeMasi LMT CIMI
Nov. 29th 2013

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Women carry boys higher and girls lower, or do they?

Being a prenatal and postpartum massage therapist for the past 12 years and a Infant Massage Instructor for the last 7, I have seen a lot of pregnant women.  I have always heard the old wives tale that boys are usually carried higher and girls are lower. I have also heard the exact opposite. So, I am conducting a survey of pregnant women in different stages of pregnancy, to see if the old wives tale is true.
I am also interested if the general public can tell what they are carrying. I'm not sure how long this survey will last or how many women will be included, I just got this idea.  However at the end of each month, I will post what each mama is carrying.
I am always open to discussion and other thoughts!

Valerie DeMasi CMT LIMI

First time momma at 22 weeks. What do you think she's having?

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Sacrum strokes, done in a position that is even new to me! Birth Rocks Infant Massage Class 8-27-13

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Last Infant Massage Class at Nourish Family Center 8-15-13

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Friday, July 12, 2013

Nice words from a pregnant massage client.

"I just wanted to say I am impressed with both Jaimy and Valerie.  Valerie is only the second massage therapist that I have had who was able to provide anything close to the amount of deep tissue pressure that I need to release knots and stress. Both women made my appointments very enjoyable. I look forward to continuing to use your services."


Another happy momma at Belly Bliss!

And other times babies are awake, so we can practice the Butterfly stroke on the chest. 5-19-13

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Sometimes babies are sleeping and we have to practice massage strokes on dolls. Belly Bliss Class 5-19-13

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Thursday, July 11, 2013

And let's try under the shirt too! Giggling Green Bean Class 5-11-13

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Teamwork for circles on either side of the spine and it looks like it's working. 5-11-13

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One more position to do the Waterfall stroke on the back. 5-11-13

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The class doing the Pit Stop stroke on the inner arm. 5-11-13

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Dad trying circles on the ears. They both look like they are loving this stroke! 5-11-13

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Little circles on the ears. "I think I like this?" 5-11-13

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Dad practicing the Open Book stroke while both Grandmothers watch. Giggling Green Bean Class 5-11-13

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Monday, July 8, 2013


I am Robert peters and i have been diagnosed with Esophageal cancer .It has defied all forms of medical treatment, and Right now, I have only about a few months to live and I want you to Distribute my funds of fifty-eight million dollars united states dollars to charities.I have set aside 40% of this funds to you, this should be confidential my friend.
reply me on
yours truly

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Babies also enjoy having their ears massaged. Especially if they have the feet to play with! 4-4-13

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Swedish Milking on the leg is from the ankle up to the hip, on the outside of the leg and then the inside of the leg. 4-4-13

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Indian Milking on the legs, tag team style! 4-4-13

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Another way to get knees into tummy to help get the toots out. Baby will also enjoy playing with their new found toy, their feet! 4-4-13 Nourish Family Center.

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Waterfall Stroke with flat fingers. Use the part of your hand/fingers that will fit on your babies tummy 4-4-13

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This is the Waterfall Stroke again but with a hernia. You just have to go around it. Watch for your babies cues to be sure this is not bothering them. If it is then stop and move to another part of the body. 4-4-13

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Waterfall Stroke on the tummy, thumb over thumb, helps with gassy tummies. 4-4-13

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Monday, May 20, 2013

Dad Makes a Difference: Study Shows Infant Massage Bonds Fathers and Newborns

Father's Day "Touch Tips" from Touch Research Institutes, Boston Medical Center and Johnson & Johnson Pediatric Institute.

More and more fathers are learning and practicing infant massage, and a recent survey reveals that those who massage their babies early in life establish warm, positive relationships that continue as the child grows.

While the infant health benefits of a mother's massage are firmily established, new research shows that a father's touch is equally essential to a baby's health and well being.  Health benefits for infants include fewer sleep problems, as well as strengthening and regulating the digestive, respiratory and circulatory systems.  Fathers also gain from the experience of infant massage.

"As they learn to soothe their babies, fathers notice their own stress levels decrease.  Together they experience the calming, power of touch and begin to build their life long attachment," said Tiffany Field, Ph.D., director of Touch Research Institute at the University of Miami School of Medicine and co-author of the survey on father-infant massage.

The survey showed that fathers who used massage techniques with their infants for three months, experienced increased self-esteem as parents due to increased involvement with their newborns.  The babies, meanwhile, greeted their fathers with more eye contact, smiling, vocalizing and reaching responses.

In addition to the Touch Research Institutes, a growing number of hospitals are recognizing that infant massage is one way to give fathers more purpose in their babies' lives.  One such hospital, Boston Medical Center, encourages fathers to play a hands-on role during labor and after the baby is born.  "Too often all is left on the mothers, while fathers are left standing in the corner," says Susan O'nally of Boston Medical Center.  "We give fathers a purpose and a place."